How to install free Cpanel on Ubuntu server?


New member
Today I will discuss the process of installing free cPanel on the ubuntu server. This free cPanel is named Hestia Control Panel.

After the ubuntu server setup is completed.
i) First access your server by SSH or any other process.

ii) Then user as server root user by the below command:
sudo su -

iii) Then update your remote operation system or system operating system by below command:
apt update -y

iv) Now upgrade all of the packages, which already installed on the remote server by the below command:
apt upgrade -y

v) Then the time for the Hestia control panel setup. Download the installer by below command:

Let's Select below Option 1 or Option 2 :
Option 1. Follow Step (vi) and then go to Step (x).
Option 2. Follow Steps (vii), (viii), (ix) and then go to Step (x).

vi) Now Run the installer by the below command:
bash --interactive no --email [email protected] --password p4ssw0rd --hostname hostname.domain.tld -f
[N.B. Here,
[email protected] to replace your email e.g. [email protected],
to replace your password,
hostname.domain.tld to replace your Hostname e.g.]

vii) Now Run the installer by the below command:
bash -f

It will ask you a couple of questions. Questions are:
Q) Would you like to continue with the installation? [Y/N]
Ans: y

Q) Please use a valid email address (ex. [email protected]).
Ans: Please use a valid email address: [Your email here]

Q) Please enter FQDN hostname: [Enter your hostname here, i.e.]

viii) The process of installation of cPanel will be started and it will take 10 or 15 minutes. Once the process will be completed and reboot your server.

ix) Again access your server by SSH or any other process and setup your admin password by below command:
Root access command:
sudo su -
Password setup command and replace newpassword as the password:
v-change-user-password admin newpassword

x) cPanel setup is completed. Now question is that, how can you access your free cPanel?
For Hestia cPanel login access check the below information:
Your login URL 1: https://yourserverip:8083
Your login URL 2: https://hostname:8083 [Which hostname you have already used at the time of setup i.e. Then the URL will be ]
Your Username: admin
Your Password: newpassword [Which you have already set up.]

This is the process of setup free cPanel Hestia.
If you have any questions, comment here. I will try to solve that....
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