About Programming


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What is Programming?​

Programming is a way of telling a computer what to do. Programming languages are the languages that programmers use to communicate with computers, and they come in many different flavors.
The first programming language was invented by Ada Lovelace (the daughter of Lord Byron) in 1843; she wrote instructions for Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine--a mechanical computer designed to calculate mathematical tables by means of punch cards fed into it by human operators. The Analytical Engine never got built because it was too complicated and expensive at the time, but Lovelace's notes on how it might work became one of the first descriptions of what we now call "algorithms."

Programming Fundamentals​

Programming is the act of creating a set of instructions for a computer to follow. These instructions are called source code, and they tell the computer what to do. In order to run your program, you need to compile it into machine language (the binary language understood by computers).
Programming languages can be divided into two categories: low-level and high-level languages. Low-level languages include Assembly Language (also known as Assembly) and C; they're closer to how computers actually work than high-level languages like Python or Ruby. High-level languages are easier for humans because they don't require as much knowledge about how computers work--you just write an instruction in plain English instead!

Programming Languages​

Now that we've covered the basics of programming, let's look at some of the most popular programming languages in use today.

  • Python: A general-purpose high-level programming language with dynamic typing, named after Monty Python's Flying Circus and created by Guido van Rossum. It's used in many fields including web development and data science.
  • JavaScript: A dynamic scripting language that runs on a browser, designed by Brendan Eich at Netscape Communications Corporation in 1995 as part of an effort to create an HTML browser (Netscape Navigator 2) capable of rendering images like those found on CD-ROMs or DVDs without having to download them first (which was slow). It was later standardized by Ecma International as ECMAScript 5th Edition (ES5).

Programming Applications​

If you're a programmer, there are many different applications for your skills. You can work in web development, mobile development and game development. You could also choose to specialize in artificial intelligence or data science. There are many different types of software engineering jobs available as well.

Programming Practices​

Programming is a skill that takes time to develop. You will make mistakes, and you will need to learn from them. Debugging is the act of finding and fixing errors in your code. Debugging can be done manually or with automated tools such as unit tests, which help ensure that your code works as expected before it's released into production.
Testing involves running tests on your application after making changes to ensure that those changes are correct and don't break any existing functionality. Version control systems like Git allow developers to collaborate on projects by tracking changes made by multiple people over time, which makes it easy for everyone involved in writing software (including testers) to see what changes have been made since they last worked on the project--and why those changes were made!
Refactoring refers to changing existing code without changing its behavior so that it becomes easier for humans (and machines) alike understand what's going on inside an application at any given moment in time - this includes things like renaming variables or methods so everything has consistent naming conventions throughout its lifetime rather than having multiple names for similar concepts scattered throughout different parts of said program; refactoring also includes optimizing algorithms so they run faster while still providing equivalent results compared against previous versions where possible...

Tools for Programming​

In this section, we'll look at the tools that make programming easier. The first tool is an integrated development environment (IDE). An IDE is a program that helps you write code and test your programs. It will have features like syntax highlighting, autocomplete and debugging tools.
Another important tool for programming is a text editor--a piece of software used to edit plain text files (like this one!). You can use any text editor; some popular ones include Notepad++ or Sublime Text 3.
A third important tool for programmers is version control systems like git or Mercurial; these allow multiple people to work on the same project simultaneously without overwriting each others' changes

Best Practices for Programming​

  • Write clean code.
  • Use comments.
  • Use a style guide.
  • Use best practices, like using version control systems (VCS) and linters to help you write better code, as well as prevent bugs from creeping in and causing problems down the line.

Getting Started with Programming​

There are many different programming languages, but the most popular ones are:

  • Python (a general-purpose language)
  • JavaScript (a scripting language)
  • Java (a general-purpose language)
    The first thing you'll need to do is choose one of these. Once you've done that, there are a number of resources available online that can help you learn how to program in your chosen language(s). For example:
  • The Python Tutorial - an extensive guide for beginners on all things Python related. It covers topics such as variables and data types; control flow statements like if/else statements; loops such as while loops or for loops; functions; classes and modules; exceptions handling etc., so if any of these sound unfamiliar then this would be a good place to start learning about them!

Advanced Programming Concepts​

Advanced Programming Concepts
Object-oriented programming is a style of coding that allows you to create objects and data structures. The most common object-oriented languages are Java and C++, but there are many others like Python, Ruby and PHP (the language used to build websites).
Functional programming is another way of writing code that emphasizes functions as first-class citizens instead of variables or other entities you can manipulate in your program. Functional languages include Haskell and Lisp.
Database programming involves accessing information stored in databases using SQL (Structured Query Language), which lets you query data stored in tables by performing queries on columns or rows within tables. It's used extensively by web applications because it provides an easy way for users to retrieve information from large amounts of structured data without having any knowledge about how it was organized originally (for example: if someone wants all their emails from Gmail sorted by date received rather than sender name).


Programming is a valuable skill that can be learned with the right resources and practice.
The ability to program is an extremely useful tool in today's world, as it allows you to automate tasks and make your life easier by automating them. If you're interested in learning how to code but don't know where to start, this guide will give you all the information necessary for getting started with programming!